I’m a Postdoc at MIT CSAIL working with David D. Clark. My research interests are at the intersection of computer networks and internet measurements, focusing on how to make the Internet more secure using data-driven approaches and considering technical and policy challenges to improve the current state-of-the-art.
I got my PhD from MIT in 2021. For my doctoral research, I developed methods to characterize routing security problems and measure the effectiveness of emergent security defenses from evidence, using longitudinal and large-scale datasets of protocol usage and incorporating machine learning techniques.
In 2016, I got a dual master in Technology and Policy (TPP) and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at MIT. For my master thesis, I explored the institutional landscape of cybersecurity using natural language processing to better understand the role different institutions play in cybersecurity.
I have interned at Akamai, MSR and the OECD. Prior to joining MIT, I worked at NICChile Research Labs and Inria Chile. For my undergrad, I did a dual degree in Engineering between Universidad de Chile and École Centrale Paris.