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In my research, I've developed a few tools that may be of interest to the broader community. 

  • Matlab
    • videoIO Library [@sourceforge.net]: A library providing easy, flexible, and efficient read/write access to video files using a wide variety of codecs in MATLAB on Windows and GNU/Linux platforms.  On Windows, DirectShow is used and on GNU/Linux, ffmpeg is used.  Both platforms now support reading frames from individual files using an imread or load plugin as well.
    • My MatlabCentral PageThe following files and libraries have been released on the MatlabCentral website.  They are sorted according to the total number of downloads (as of 17 Sept. 2007).
      • split: Splits a delimited string into a cell array.
      • printf, stdout, stderr: Convenience functions for text output (printf, stdout, and stderr).
      • videoIO Toolbox for Matlab: Read and write videos on Windows and Linux efficiently and with broad codec support. 
      • join: Concatenates a set of strings, with a delimiter between each string.
      • assert.m: Assert function that expands like the C macro assert.
        • Note: starting in about R2007a, Mathworks has built assertions into the language in a way that works like assert macros in C.  Unless you need to support older versions of Matlab, I highly recommend you use their version instead of this one. 
      • chunkify: Splits a vector or cell array into evenly-sized chunks.
      • mtx2charcell: Converts a matrix of numbers into a cell array of strings.
      • parseEnum: Looks up values associated with a given string.
      • collapse.m: Removes degenerate portions of a cell array tree.
      • globalLoad.m: Loads a .mat file's variables into the global namespace.
      • rsplit.m: Splits a delimited string into a cell array using a regular expression.

  • C++
    • CUDA port of the Dalal and Triggs HOG pedestrian detector [.zip]
      • Date: 14 July 2009
      • Description: We are sharing our modified version of Dalal and Trigg's HOG-based pedestrian detector.  We have ported key portions of the algorithm to work on NVidia graphics cards.  On high-definition video, we see up to a 76x speedup versus the CPU-only version (Core i7 920 and a GeForce GTX 280).
    • vtkKDTreePointLocator [.h][.cxx]
      • Date: 3 April 2003
      • Description: A subclass of vtkPointLocator that uses a kD-Tree to perform nearest-neighbor searches.  At the present time, only the FindClosestPoint searching method has been implemented, but the other standard methods should be quite easy to do.  
      • Usage Restrictions: These files may be used under the (slightly modified)  standard VTK copyright present at the top of each file.  These restrictions are much more lenient than for the majority of the files posted here.
      • Older Versions:
        • 18 May 2001: [.h][.cxx]: only worked in 3D and had some bugs
    • CCSVFile [.h][.cpp]
      • Date: Before 6 February 2003
      • Description: A simple class for reading and writing delimited text files like CSV (comma separated variable) files.  Think of the text files that Excel can import and export.  I have found this class to be helpful in designing and parsing configuration files when a program gets too complicated to simply use command line parameters.
  • Scheme


Last updated: 2008-01-25 09:23:57 -0500