Daniel Zoran
Computer Science and Artifical Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
I am now a research scientist at Google DeepMind.
Before that I was a postdoctoral associate with Prof. Bill Freeman at CSAIL in MIT.
I completed my PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem under the
supervision of Prof. Yair
I am mostly interested in problems of low and mid-level computer vision, natural image statistics, machine learning and human perception.
List of Publications
Computational Imaging for VLBI Image ReconstructionCVPR 2016 (oral presentation)PDF
"Learning visual groups from co-occurrences in space and time"ICLR 2016 Workshop paperPDF
"Learning Ordinal Relationships for Mid-Level Vision"ICCV 2015PDF Code Caffe version we use Project page IIW test images NYU Annotations
"Shape and Illumination from Shading using the Generic Viewpoint Assumption"NIPS 2014PDF Supp Project page
"Imaging an Event Horizon: Mitigation of Scattering toward Sagittarius A*"The Astrophysical Journal, 2014, Volume 795, Issue 2PDF
"Crisp Boundary Detection Using Pointwise Mutual Information"ECCV 2014 (oral presentation)PDF Project page
"Learning the local statistics of optical flow"NIPS 2013PDF
"Natural Image Statistics for Human and Computer Vision"Daniel ZoranPhD Thesis, HUJI 2013PDF
"Natural Images, Gaussian Mixtures and Dead Leaves"NIPS 2012PDF Supp Code and Models
"From Learning Models of Natural Image Patches to Whole Image Restoration"ICCV 2011 (oral presentation)PDF Supp code
"The tree dependent components of natural images are edge filters"NIPS 2009PDF
"Scale Invariance and Noise in Natural Images"ICCV 2009PDF code