Click the ``Activate Diffusion'' button below to initialize the software. The first set of options parametrizes the topology and the network construction. Neighborhood size is used for the Watts-Strogatz construction while probability is used for both the Erdos-Renyi and Watts-Strogatz.
The initial low and high are bounds on the node temperatures at time zero. The forcing bounds are used to describe the amount of heat flowing into or out of the system. Iterations is the number of steps computed and displayed and time steps describes the intervals over which new values are computed.
After constructing and analyzing the system, the program displays the intial setup of the network with the nodes colored by their respective heat values. The edges are colored by the amount of heat flowing along that edge. Then, the state of the network after all the selected iterations have elapsed is displayed. Finally, an animation showing the intermediate steps loops at the bottom of the display. Particularly for large values of n, it may take a significant amount of time to generate the animation.