Architecture Exploration

M. Kinsy, I. Celanovic, O. Khan, and S. Devadas,
"MARTHA: Architecture for Control and Emulation
of Power Electronics and Smart Grid Systems",
Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2013.

M. Kinsy, S. Devadas, and M. Pellauer,
"Heracles: A Tool for Fast RTL-Based Design Space Exploration of
Multicore Processors", Proceedings to 21st ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, February 2013.

P. Jain, G. Edward Suh and S. Devadas,
"Intelligent SRAM (ISRAM) for Improved Embedded
System Performance", Proceedings to the 40th Design
Automation Conference, June 2003.

G. Hadjiyiannis and S. Devadas,
"Techniques for Accurate Performance Evaluation in
Architecture Exploration", IEEE Transactions on
VLSI Systems , 2002.

G. Hadjiyiannis, P. Russo, and S. Devadas,
"A Methodology for Accurate Performance Evaluation in
Architecture Exploration", (Expanded Version) Proceedings
of the 36th Design Automation Conference , June 1999.

G. Hadjiyiannis, S. Hanono and S. Devadas,
"ISDL: An Instruction Set Description Language for
Retargetability", Proceedings
of the 1997 Design Automation Conference , June 1997.