Design for Low Power

J. Monteiro, S. Devadas, A. Ghosh, K. Keutzer, and J. K. White,
"Estimation of Average Switching
Activity in Combinational Logic Circuits Using Symbolic
Simulation", IEEE
Transactions on CAD, Volume 16, Number 1, pages 121-127, January 1997.

M. Alidina, J. Monteiro, S. Devadas, A. Ghosh, and M. Papaefthymiou,
Sequential Logic Optimization for Low Power", IEEE
Transactions on VLSI Systems, pp. 426-436, December 1994.

C-Y. Tsui, J. Monteiro, M. Pedram, S. Devadas, A. Despain, and B. Lin,
"Power Estimation
Methods for Sequential Logic Circuits", IEEE
Transactions on VLSI Systems, pp. 404-416, September 1995. Best Paper Award.

G. Hadijiyiannis, A. Chandrakasan, and S. Devadas,
"A Low Power, Low Bandwidth Protocol
for Remote Wireless Terminals", MIT
Technical Report, February 1996.

J. Monteiro, S. Devadas, P. Ashar, and A. Mauskar,
"Scheduling Techniques
to Enable Power Management", Proceedings of the
33rd Design Automation Conference, June 1996.

J. Costa, J. Monteiro, and S. Devadas,
"Switching Activity Estimation Using
Limited Depth Reconvergent Path Analysis ", Proceedings of the
International Symposium on Low Power Electronic Design , April 1997.