-*-TEXT-*- Instructions for building the Scheme microcode kernel on the 9836. (*) Make sure that all .ASM files from SRC: are up to date (as indicated by version number) on the 9836, in directory ASM: If any of them is not up to date, a copy of it should be transferred. Before transferring, a copy of the file should be made in emacs, using M-X UNTABIFY. DO NOT SAVE THE UNTABIFIED COPY BACK AS name.ASM; SAVE IT OUT AS name.UNTAB. In transferring the above files, remove the .ASM from the name, leaving just ".". If you transfer the file INCLUDE, make a copy of it in INCLUDE.TEXT also; the assembly files will look for it there, not under the current version. (*) Each file that is transferred must be assembled. Call the assembler and tell it to assemble "ASM:.." (don't forget the trailing dot!), that you want a listing file, whose name is "LIST:", and that the code should go to "CODE:". (*) Make sure that all .PAS files from SRC: are up to date (as indicated by version number) on the 9836, in directory PAS: If any of them is not up to date, a copy of it should be transferred. In transferring the above files, remove the .PAS from the name, leaving just ".". The .PAS files must be compiled. Send the code to CODE:. The file SCMTOP must be compiled last, as it has dependencies on the other files. (*) Once all of the files are assembled and compiled, make sure that the current version of SRC:FLINK.STREAM is transferred to the chipmunk as CODE:FLINK.. Stream this file. This will link the code files into a single file, CODE:SCHEME. This is a runnable Scheme, unless something is broken.