-*-TEXT-*- Directory Documentation HP Pascal files that directly support the Scheme interpreter microcode. All of these files must be transmitted to the Chipmunk, /compiled, and linked using the stream file FLINK.STREAM (or some equivalent if you aren't using the standard development machine). These files are intended to be stored in the directory PAS:, and compiled onto directory CODE: on the Chipmunk. Note: the chipmunk doesn't understand tabs, There must be no tabs in any of the files in this directory. If I have the time I will try to get an EMACS command built that will do all of this automatically. ********************************************************************** DUMPER.PAS This pascal code does band dumping and reading, and understands both the standard binary image format and the ASCII hexadecimal format used by the fasloader. PASPRT.PAS Debugging aids for the interpreter. Contains an object printer, stack printer, simple trace, breakpoint, and history routines. These are NOT Scheme-level debugging aids, but for use in debugging the interpreter itself. This file is very wasteful of space and needs to be rewritten. SCHEMIO.PAS Scheme I/O primitives. SCMTOP.PAS The Scheme top level, this performs those initialization functions that are easier to do in Pascal than assembly language.