-*-TEXT-*- Directory Documentation This directory contains the Scheme debugging system. This system is currently under development and will eventually be common to all of the Scheme implementations. ----- TEMPSETUP.SCM ---created by aab--- This is a file which defines some of the screen utility functions which have not yet been implemented. This file is loaded by the file LOOK.SCM All definitions are in the scheme-system-package screen-length screen-width is defined to be one less than the actual width of the screen (accounts for ! printed in last col. if try to display there) (screen-row) is a function which returns the cursor's current row (screen-col) is a function which returns the cursor's current col (clear-to-end-of-line) is a function which erases to the end of the line. (clear-to-end-of-screen) is a function which erases to the end of the screen. ----- PRINTCTL.SCM and PRINTCTLC.SCM -- created by AAB These define the PRINTCTL and PRINTCTLC functions which are used by LOOK. (actually, look only uses PRINTCTLC.) These functions are defined in the SCHEME-SYSTEM-PACKAGE. They take as arguments an object to be PRINTed or PRINCed and a numeric variable n which starts at 0. They abbreviate printing after n lines. ----- LOOK.SCM --created by aab **outdated** This is the LOOK funtion. after loading this file, LOOK can be invoked in the same way where is. Contact AAB@OZ for info. ----- BAD-REDISPLAY.SCM I have hacked up the worst redisplay imaginable, but it works. Each time it is called, it clears the screen, and pretty-prints the structure given to it, positioning the cursor at the point indicated by PATH, which is defined by the system I outlined in a previous communication. It would have been trivial except I had to write my own pretty printer so that I could figure out where to put the cursor. It will not work correctly if it needs more than 24 lines (or whatever is on the screen) to print print the structure. It resides in SRC:BAD-REDISPLAY.SCM. -Josh ____ oldtempsetup.scm version of tempsetup.scm before changes in environment and *...* were made. ---AAB ------ oldlook.scm is the version of look which used the old tempsetup definitions ------ NEWDEBUG.SCM version of src:debug.scm with stack motion implemented. ---AAB ------ PRETTY-PRINTER.SCM A nice looking version of my pretty-printer that features readable code. It is not very useful in this form, though, because it acts just like pp (except with a different pretty printing algorithm). You should load it into scheme and try doing (NEW-PP something) where something is a list or a procedure. It's real value, however, if you are interested in pretty printers, is that it shows you how to do a decent, working pretty printer in less than 2 pages of code. Comments to JOSHM. revised 2/9/83 to behave more intelligently and produce nicer looking pretty printed lists. I think it looks better than pp, but isn't nearly as fast, as it is written in interpreted scheme instead of compiled maclisp. There is one bug--it doesn't always handle lists with quoted objects in them correctly (though it does sometimes). The result being that it sometimes prints a line past the right edge of the screen when it doesn't have to. -Joshm ______ GOOD-PRETTY.SCM - AC's version of pretty printer that uses window package WINDOW.DOC - documentation on the window package WINDOW.SCM - the window package itself ------ FRAMES.SCM -- AAB's rotten version of FRAME-BINDINGS for the 68000