-*-TEXT-*- Directory Documentation This directory contains the Scheme runtime system, that core of Scheme code required to boot up the interpreter. The required entities are: GC interrupt handler Reader Printer Syntaxer Unsyntaxer Read-Eval-Print Loop Error Traps Keyboard interrupts Utilities All of the files in this directory need to syntaxed into a fasloadable form, and then fasloaded into a bare Scheme to build the cold-load band. ********************************************************************* ARITH.SCM The top-level arithmetic operations. We are in the process of building generic arithmetic now, and the new (incomplete) version is NARITH.SCM. BOOT.SCM Boot time utilities. These are used at the beginning of time to get enough capabilities together to load the regular utilities. COLD.SCM The cold load sequence. This one file is loaded into an empty Scheme to cause the rest of the system to be loaded. This file cannot contain any symbols since it builds the obarray. It also must be wrapped in a control point to be bootable. ERROR.SCM Read-Eval-Print error system. Includes traps for all microcode errors. GC.SCM The garbage collector interface. This is called whenever a GC happens, to manage where to and from spaces are, etc. GENARITH.SCM The generic arithmetic package. In the process of being built. INTERRUPT.SCM Read-Eval-Print interrupt system. PARAMETER.SCM Parameter tables for reader and printer. PRINT.SCM The printer. READ.SCM The reader. REP.SCM The Read-Eval-Print loop. SCODE.SCM The SCODE abstraction. SDATA.SCM The Scheme Data Field abstraction used by SCODE. SETS.SCM A set abstraction used by the syntaxer. START.SCM Used with COLD, this file is allowed to contain symbols. STREAM.SCM The stream operators. SYNAUX.SCM Auxiliary abstractions used by the syntaxer. This and the syntaxer currently being rewritten. SYNTAX.SCM The syntaxer, which converts s-expressions to scode. UERROR.SCM The error codes table. UNSYNTAX.SCM The unsyntaxer, converting scode to s-expressions. UPRIMS.SCM The microcode primitive function codes table. URETNS.SCM The microcode stack tags table. USTRUC.SCM The microcode internal data structures abstraction. Not yet written. UTILS.SCM Utility programs. These utilities are allowed to use generic arithmetic, which is set up before this gets loaded. UTYPES.SCM The microcode type codes table. ************************************************************ Package Outline system-global-environment garbage-collector scheme-numbers real-kernel real-field (exported to system-global-environment) reals (exported to system-global-environment) integer-kernel integers (exported to system-global-environment) fixnum-kernel fixnums (exported to system-global-environment) scode-abstraction parameter-table scheme-reader scheme-printer syntax-table scheme-syntaxer scheme-top-level interrupt-system error-system user-initial-environment