QuickLisp hacks
My take on Quicklisp who-calls and who-is-called-by analogues.
Perhaps I should change the RECURSIVELY default from nil to t.
Suggestions on how to cover local-projects anyone?
;;; hacks.lisp -- QuickLisp goodies
;;; patch quicklisp/dist.lisp
(in-package #:ql-dist)
(defgeneric system-apropos-list (term)
(:method ((term symbol))
(system-apropos-list (string-downcase term)))
(:method ((term string))
with term = (string-downcase term)
for system in (provided-systems t)
when (or (search term (name system))
(search term (name (release system))))
collect system)))
;;;; patch quicklisp/misc.lisp
(in-package #:quicklisp-client)
(defun who-depends-on (system-name &optional recursively)
"Return a list of names of systems that depend on SYSTEM-NAME.
Optional RECURSIVELY true to include indirect dependents."
with nam-req = (mapcar (lambda (s)
(cons (name s)
(required-systems s)))
(provided-systems t))
for names = (list system-name) then (nconc names who)
for next = names then (cdr next)
for who = (loop
for (name . requirements) in nam-req
with required = (first next)
when (and (member required requirements :test 'string=)
(not (member name names :test 'string=)))
collect name)
unless recursively return who
unless next return (cdr names)))
(defun who-is-required-by (system-name &optional recursively)
"Return a list of names of systems that SYSTEM-NAME depends on.
Optional RECURSIVELY true to include indirect requirements."
for names = (list system-name) then (nconc names who)
for next = names then (cdr next)
for who = (let* ((name (first next))
(system (system name))
(dependents (and system
(required-systems system))))
(set-difference dependents names :test 'string=))
unless recursively return who
unless next return (cdr names)))
;;; hacks.lisp end
Devon Sean McCullough
Last modified: Wed Apr 8 14:47:15 EDT 2015