(/ 1 0)
(+ 1 false)
(define (f x) (f x)) (f 1)
What kind of thing is and?
-- (and true true)
-- (and false true)
-- (and false 0)
-- (and false (/ 1 0))
Trying to implement if as a procedure
-- (define (my-if cond then else) (if cond then else))
-- (my-if true 1 2)
-- (my-if false 1 2)
-- (my-if false (/ 1 0) 2)
And now, what about defines?
-- (define x (/ 1 0))
-- (define (f x) (/ 1 0))
Why the difference?
-- define always evals the expr
-- but the second has a hidden lambda
By the way, can I make my probe handier by writing ...
-- (define probe (/ 1 0)) ?
-- (define (probe) (/ 1 0)) ?
Which of these would also work as probes?
-- (2)
-- (+ +)
-- (if)
The basic idea of lambda
-- in math, we sometimes write a function like this: x -> 2x
-- in Scheme, (lambda (x) (* x 2))
-- lambda makes an anonymous function
What are these functions?
-- (lambda (x) (+ 1 x))
-- (lambda (x) (+ x x))
-- (lambda (x y) (+ x y))
-- (lambda (x y) x)
-- (lambda (x y) (x))
-- (lambda (x) 2)
-- (lambda () 2)
Exercise: Write a lambda that evals to a procedure that ...
-- computes the min of two ints
What are these short for?
-- (define (f x y) 2)
-- (define (f) (2))
What is this short for?
-- (define (f x) (if (= 1 x) 1 (* x (f (- x 1)))))
Why does this work?
-- why does the "f" on the right refer to the function being defined?
-- what if I did (define f 2) before?
-- appeal to eval rule for lambda
You might want to use cond. Only required to work for positive args.
Now do it again with mutual recursion:
-- (define is-even ...)
-- (define is-odd ...)
(define is-odd (lambda (n)
(cond [(= n 0) false]
[(= n 1) true]
[else (is-odd (- n 2))])))
A bad version:
(define (is-odd n) (or (= n 1) (is-even (- n 1))))
(define (is-even n) (or (= n 0) (is-odd (- n 1))))
A good version:
(define (is-odd n) (and (not (= n 0)) (is-even (- n 1))))
(define (is-even n) (or (= n 0) (is-odd (- n 1))))
-- Termination can be a tricky issue! Wishful thinking can be too wishful
-- Bad version works when answer is true: be skeptical of testing