Guidelines for Reverse Engineering Report

Daniel Jackson
October 4, 1998

What to hand in and when

Questions, not answers

Remember that this is not a toy project, so you are not expected to have resolved all issues by the time you present or hand in your report. You will have opportunities to add to your report or correct it later, and to enlist the help of other teams in answering questions and probing further. Moreover, there will be important issues that we simply will not have time to address.

This makes it very important to be candid in your report about how confident your are in your assertions, and where you think more work should be done. Identifying and documenting at least the existence of obscure issues is very useful!

I plan to collate a bunch of questions after this phase to ask NASA.

General stylistic issues

Report Structure

Your report should have at least the following sections:


Here's a draft version of the report I'm working on.