Videos of Domo are in reverse chronological order.





File Size Description
11.2M Domo's view of learning to find the tip of a brush.
11.2M Domo's view of learning to find the tip of a bottle.
11.2M Domo and I interacting with a green ball.
1M Learning a position invariant view of a brush .
0.8M Learning a position invariant view of a bottle.
5.0M Autonomous tool localization from motion
2.5M Demonstration of force-controlled grasping of an object
7.12M Force based exploration of an object through arm-stiffness modulation
7.49M Discrimination between human-interaction and dynamic torques during reaching.
2.25M Kinematic reaching to a visual target.
2.1M Head visual tracking.
1.36M Detail demonstration of the Series Elastic Actuator.
14.2M Demonstration of the head visually tracking a ball, its own hands, and of a simple grasp and show reflex.
700K Demonstration of virtual spring control and symetric mirroring of the arms.
900K Domo's head is up and looking around for the first time.
17MB Demonstration of safe and compliant interaction with the arms.
28MB Domo performs visually guided reaching and grasping of a colored object using hand localization and forward kinematics.
31MB Simple preshaping of the hand orientation prior to grasping based on the primary orientation axis of the object.
21MB The first trial run of the hands, grasping a Coke can [no product endorsement implied or stated...]