
7/1 A picture of us finishing La Baraka

Deep water soloing

6/21 Our very first route at Verdon:
Mami nova (5b+, 25m, route #494, p.183)
6/21 From the ledge at the bottom of
Polpett (7a, 5c, 45m, #505, p.180)

6/21 From the ledge at the bottom of Polpett (7a, 5c, 45m, #505, p.180)

6/22 At the bottom of our first real multipitch Spaggiari (6a,5a,5a,6b/6,5a,5a, 100m, #925, p.133)

6/22 The belay station after the second pitch of Spaggiari

6/22 The belay station after the second pitch of Spaggiari

6/22 Top of Spaggiari

6/22 The poet-climber reflects on challenges past

6/22 Eagles fly through the gorge

Our campground in La Palud sur Verdon

6/24 Preparing to rappel in
Le Jardin des Ecureuils
6/24 Hang belay about 3 hours into
Le Pilier des Ecureuils
(6b+,6a,6b,6b+,6a,5c,5b.c, 270m, #375, p.193)

The view from Le Pilier des Ecureuils
(6b+,6a,6b,6b+,6a,5c,5b.c, 270m, #375, p.193)

6/25 Mountain Goats at Mirrors

6/29 The Lake at the end of the gorge

A view up river from the brige

Deep water soloing!

Amos works the "two fins" problem

The fins are stalactite-like structures that bulge from the overhanging face

Eric is actually in this picture

Eric's tryout for "Stone Nudes"

7/1 Eric leads out on the first pitch of La Baraka (6c,6b,6c,6a,6a,6c+,5b+, ~170m, #502, p.179)

7/2 More deep water soloing



7/3 The drive to back the the airport in Nice
