Images and Results

Visibility Driven Hierarchical Radiosity

Frédo Durand, George Drettakis and Claude Puech


All computation times are given for a 195Mhz R10000 Onyx2 workstation.


General Solution

This scene is composed of 444 polygons.

The total running time (Skeleton+Illumination) was 4min.

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2min 08s (skeleton calculation) 22s
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16s 1min 14s (discontinuities inserted)


Indirect Lighting

The scene contains 534 polygons. The skeleton computation took 4min 12s, and the lighting simulation 6min 58s.

The illumination of the upper part of the scene is mainly due to the lefthand table and the bed.


In blue we show the discontinuities which are actually inserted. Note that the discontinuities caused by the books and the lamp correspond to indirect shadows.

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Comparison with Classical Hierarchical Radiosity

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Many Light sources

This scene contains 492 polygons. It is lit by 8 small lamps and 2 large sources.

The Skeleton computation took 2min 23s and the lighting simulation 8min.


Comparison with Classical Hierarchical Radiosity

These two images were computed with a classical radiosity system in 2hours 15min using a BF refinement criterion.

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This scene contains 312 polygons. The Skeleton construction required 45s, and the lighting simulation 43s.

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Hierarchical Triangulations

Here we show the subdivision of the leftmost polygon of a small test scene shown in the leftmost image.

Note that the first subdivision is nearly regular (the maximum of the illumination due to the light source is also inserted), and that the discontinuities are inserted at the third subdivision.

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