(in construction... If any questions/suggestions, feel free to send me
an email.)
This page presents background material of central importance in
Topology in Medical Imaging.
We first introduce some general notions of topology and present the
strong connections of topology with differential geometry. The
Euler-characteristic and the genus of a surface are defined. Next, we
show how the continuous theory of topology can be applied to the
segmentation of medical images under topological constraints.
Particularly, we describe how topological notions can be adapted to the
two most common data structures used in medical imaging: 3D voxel grids
and surfaces. Also, we present methods for extracting
topologically-consistent isocontours from digital images. Finally, we
present the state-of-the-art segmentation of medical images under
topological constraints. The most common segmentation algorithms are
described and their limitations clearly reported. Some of the material
presented in this section were taken from Mathworld~\cite{mathworld}
and the work of Bertrand~\cite{bertrand:94,bertrand:96}. We refer
reader to the following text
books~\cite{munkres:75,gamelin-greene:99,hatcher:02} for a complete
introduction to topology and algebraic topology.
I - General
Notions of Topology
- A Continuous Theory
- Notions of Topological Equivalence
I.C - Topology and Differential
I.D - On Topological Defects
II -
Topology and Discrete Imaging
II.A - Digital Topology
- Surfaces in Discrete Imaging
II.B.1 - Explicit Representations
II.B.2 - Implicit Representations
II.C - From Images to
Surfaces: Isocontour Extraction
II.C.1 - The Original Marching Cubes Algorithm
II.C.2 - Connectivity-Consistent Marching Cubes Algorithm
III - State
of the Art Segmentation under Topological Constraints
III.A - Topologically-Constrained Segmentation
III.A.1 - Active Contours
III.A.2 - Digital Homotopic
III.A.3 - Segmentation by Registration
III.A.4 - Limitations of
Topologically-Constrainted Segmentation
- Retropsective Topology Correction
III.B.1 - Volume-based Approaches
III.B.2 - Surface-based Approaches
III.B.3 - Limitations of Retrospective Topology Correction
Key words: topology, digital topology,
isocontour extraction, level sets, Reeb graphs, segmentation, nombres
topologiques, euler characteristic.