LP, the Larch Prover — Installation
To use LP, you need both an executable version of LP appropriate for your
hardware and LP's run-time support library. As of December 2016, zipped
archives of two Intel x86-64 executable versions of LP and of LP's run-time
support are available on the web at http://people.csail.mit.edu/garland/LP.
If you wish to run LP on another platform, you can try to compile it from its
source (lp-source.tar.gz). LP is written in CLU, compilers for which are
available from http://pmg.csail.mit.edu/CLU.html.
To install LP, proceed as follows.
Install the executable version of LP in some directory that occurs on your Unix
search path before /usr/bin (which contains a Unix line printer utility
also called lp). Remove the platform name as you do this, for example, by
typing the command mv lp-linux /usr/local/bin/lp. If necessary, use the
chmod command to make this file executable.
Unpack LP's run-time library by typing tar xfz lp-lib.tar.gz. This will
create a directory named `LP''.
If possible, move this directory to /usr/local/lib/LP. If you cannot
do this, alias the command lp to ``lp -d dir'', where dir is
the path name of the LP directory you created.
If possible, copy the man page for LP, LP/help/lp.l, to
/usr/local/man/manl and run the mandb shell command. This makes it
possible for users to see the man page for LP by typing man l lp.