LP, the Larch Prover — Release 3.1b

The following bugs in Version 3.1a have been fixed in Version 3.1b.
The normalize command now properly normalizes a rewrite rule with a reducible left side. Formerly, it failed to normalize a rewrite rule when its left side could be reduced, but no further reductions were possible.
The operation of boolean equality is now recognized as an ac operator and not just as a commutative operator. Formerly, LP incorrectly (and unsoundly) eliminated some subterms when reducing formulas such as a = (r = (b = b')) that contain multiple occurrences of equality between boolean subformulas.
The experimental version of LP (invoked by the command lp -e) no longer crashes when a register command is issued during a proof.
The bound variable i1 in
f(i, j) <=> \A i1 \A j1 (i ~= i1 \/ j ~= j1 => P(i1, j1))
is no longer changed incorrectly to i2 when executing show normal-form f(i2, i1).
In addition, the following improvements have been made in Version 3.1b.