“Computer-assisted verification of an algorithm for concurrent timestamps”
Tsvetomir P. Petrov, Anya Pogosyants, Stephen J. Garland, Victor
Luchangco, and Nancy A. Lynch
Formal Description Techniques IX: Theory, Application, and Tools
Reinhard Gotzhein and Jan Bredereke (editors),
pages 29–44, Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 8–11,
1996. Chapman & Hall.
A formal representation and machine-checked proof are given for the Bounded Concurrent Timestamp (BCTS)
algorithm of Dolev and Shavit. The proof uses invariant assertions and a forward simulation mapping to a
corresponding Unbounded Concurrent Timestamp (UCTS) algorithm, following a strategy developed by Gawlick,
Lynch, and Shavit. The proof was produced interactively, using the Larch Prover.