Re: Harlequin
Subject: Re: Harlequin
From: lvirden@cas.org
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 11:00:09 -0400 (EDT)
Organization: Nedriv Software and Shoe Shiners, Uninc.
References: <comp.lang.dylan.@> <comp.lang.dylan.199907091617.RAA28699@todday.aiai.ed.ac.uk>
Reply-To: lvirden@cas.org
:Michael T. Richter wrote:
:> things I dislike about it are considered strengths by Unix's fans. As such
:> I get turned off when facing what looks like a One True Way-ism.
I would love to see a machine which doesn't promote "One True Way"ism.
Macs - definitely OTW
Windows - whoa - MS is in COURT over OTW
Unix - you've called it OTW
AppleDOS, CP/M, DOS, IBM MVS, AS/xxx, TRS dos, AmigaDOS, BeOS, NextStep, ....
They all do their best to force a OTW viewpoint on people.
In fact, I've had better luck on Solaris than any other OS to get away from
OTW. For instance, Java appeared there first - write once, run many places.
MAE - a Mac Application Emulator - allowed me (for a while) to run Mac
apps under Solaris. A variety of Windows emulators allowed me to run
those. Linux emulators allow me to run Linux on Solaris. Then there are
the AppleDOS/Nintendo 64/GameBoy/.../PalmOS emulators for small or older
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