
Re: Sealed domain question

In article <wk673qcg3m.fsf@ihug.co.nz>, Chris Double <cnd@ihug.co.nz> wrote:

> With Harlequin Dylan I get a sealed domain error:
>   "This method on initialize cannot be added because it is in a domain
>    declared sealed in library x."

I think that this error message is probably less than clear.  The
following is just IMHO, but...

You should be able to add an initialize method on <base>.  What I think
the actual problem is is that your initialize method is also the most
applicable method for <derived>, and that is a no-no.

Try making an initialize(<derived>) method in the library and I think that
should fix it.

The *interesting* thing is what happens if that initialize(<derived>)
method calls next-method()?  Will it use the method on <object>, or will
it use the method on <base> that you added in another library.  I think it
should always use the one on <base> -- since the comiler knows that domain
is open it shouldn't prematurely optomise the call to next-method().

-- Bruce
