
Re: Harlequin

"Eugene Zaikonnikov" <viking@removeme.cit.org.by> writes:

> Interesting, what NASA will do now? I mean, they successfully tested in
> space their remote agent software based on LispWorks, should they test it
> now with another system? It must be terribly expensive...

>From what little I know about NASA space qualification, it shouldn't
matter to them if Lispworks continues, so long as they have sufficient
licenses for the system that is already out.

If a vendor changes the software or hardware, then that often counts as
a new (or at the best modified) system and has to be re-qualified.
After all, the change could have had bad consequences.  That would
suggest that NASA would want to have a frozen version of the software to
use on their deployed systems, and thus they don't necessarily need the
ongoing support.  It might even make their lives simpler if there is no
new version.

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute          tar@isi.edu