Re: Sealed domain question
Subject: Re: Sealed domain question
From: Hugh Greene <hughg@harlequin.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 19:30:06 -0400 (EDT)
Cache-Post-Path: cnn!unknown@tehanu.ed.harlequin.co.uk
Organization: The Harlequin Group
References: <wk673qcg3m.fsf@ihug.co.nz>
Xref: grapevine.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:10336
Chris Double wrote:
> If in a library I have the following definitions: [abbreviated:]
> define open abstract class <base> (<object>) end;
> define class <derived> (<base>) end;
> define sealed domain make(singleton(<derived>));
> define sealed domain initialize(<derived>);
> The module in this library exports <base> and <derived>.
> In another library which uses the above module I try:
> define method initialize( o :: <base>, #key) => () /* ... */ end;
> With Harlequin Dylan I get a sealed domain error:
> "This method on initialize cannot be added because it is in a domain
> declared sealed in library x."
> I know 'initialize' is a sideways definition and is not necessarily
> good style but this structure comes up in some code I'm trying to
> compile with Harlequin Dylan. Should it be a sealed domain violation
> if <base> is open and unsealed?
I'm not always the world's best language lawyer but I think that in this
instance HD is right. Intuitively, the method you're trying to add
would change the behaviour of initialize for instances of <derived>;
pragmatically, this might disrupt optimisations made under the
assumption of sealing (e.g., inlining the call to initialize).
>From the DRM (Ch.9, section "Define Sealed Domain"), constraint 1 says
A define sealed domain definition in a library L for a generic
function G with types T1...Tn imposes the following constraints on
1. A method M that is congruent to G and that is not an explicitly
known method in L may be added to G only if at least one of the
specializers for M is disjoint from the corresponding T.
Here the type in the sealing is T_1, <derived> and the corresponding
specialiser in your method M is <base>, which is not disjoint from
Hope that helps,
Hugh G. Greene.