
Re: BeOs

I didn't find the BeOS version at any of the mirror sites, but did
find an old version (2.1.1) at BeWare (http://www-classic.be.com/
beware/Development/Mindy.html). I'll push on anyways, because I'd
like to be able to compile the interim unstable versions as well as
2.3.1 and d2c. I suppose I should have been more descriptive about
the error I'm getting. When running the test I get the following

Regression test for the streams library.

Writing ... ok.
Reading ... ok.
Buffered writing ...
Unknown Error (24576)

thread [0] D   #"main"
fp 0x800bd200: invoke-debugger({<syscall-error> 0x8032b0f9})

Typing "backtrace" at the mindy prompt yields:

fp 0x800bd200: invoke-debugger({<syscall-error> 0x8032b0f9})
fp 0x800bd1e4: error({<syscall-error> 0x8032b0f9}, #[], #()) [/boot/
home/willy/gd/src/mindy/libraries/dylan/cond.dylan, line 250]
fp 0x800bd1b0: call-fd-function({<raw-method> #"fd-write" #({class <
integer>}, {class <buffer>}, {class <integer>}, {class <integer>})},
#[4, {<buffer> 0x80329479}, 0, 3], #(), {class <object>}) [/boot/
home/willy/gd/src/common/streams/internals.dylan, line 188]
fp 0x800bd164: do-force-output-buffers({<fd-file-stream>
0x80328989}, #()) [/boot/home/willy/gd/src/common/streams/file-
streams.dylan, line 306]
fp 0x800bd140: do-force-output-buffers({<fd-file-stream>
0x80328989}, #({<byte-method> #"do-force-output-buffers" #({class <
fd-stream>})})) [/boot/home/willy/gd/src/common/streams/file-
streams.dylan, line 935]
fp 0x800bd0e8: stream-contents({<fd-file-stream> 0x80328989}, {<
unbound-marker> 0x8008c349}, #(), {class <sequence>}, {class <
boolean>}) [/boot/home/willy/gd/src/common/streams/file-
streams.dylan, line 729]
fp 0x800bd0b4: buffered-write-test(#()) [/boot/home/willy/gd/src/
tests/stream-test.dylan, line 96]
fp 0x800bd090: run-several-tests("Buffered writing", {<generic-
function> #"buffered-write-test"}, #()) [/boot/home/willy/gd/src/
tests/stream-test.dylan, line 39]
fp 0x800bd06c: main("mindy", #[], #()) [/boot/home/willy/gd/src/
tests/stream-test.dylan, line 135]

This is on an x86 machine.



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