
Re: SICP & the Dumbing Down of American Comp Sci

Frank A. Adrian wrote:
> Mike Thomas <miketh@ptmnet.com> wrote in message
> news:5PWH3.22882$1E2.178395@ozemail.com.au...
> > C and Java are OK, certainly better than Cobol, Fortran and Basic.
> I'd debate you on that.  Cobol and Fortran are well suited to their niches
> (batch and simple transaction oriented processing and numerical analysis and
> computation) with basic language constructs that mesh well with them (same
> with APL). 

I'll debate YOU on that.  Cobol is terrible for its niche.  Trying to do
any but the most rudimentary data processing without dynamic memory
allocation is a pain in the *ss.

> Basic, Java, and C have been pushed so far beyond their initial
> niches (instruction, embedded control, and systems programming, resp.), and
> have grown so much "hair" in the process that they are quite ugly by
> comparison.
> faa