
Re: unsigned long (4 bytes) in mindy

Have you tried

limited( <integer>, min:0, max:[whatever max_unsigned_int is on the mac] )


Failing that, allocating both the output variable from Gestalt and the integer
you want to compare it against then using unsigned-integer-at to set your
comparison value as well should sidestep any conversion problems, with the
disadvantage of beign overkill. :-)

Bruce Hoult has just posted some interesting int-related stuff on the Gwydion
list. Adding (subtracting?) min_unsigned_int or max_signed_int from the number
may kick it into touch (I'm not good at bit-shifting :-( ).

- Rob.

Gareth Baker wrote:

> Does anyone know if there is any way to represent an unsigned 4 byte integer
> in mindy/dylan?
