unsigned long (4 bytes) in mindy
Subject: unsigned long (4 bytes) in mindy
From: "Gareth Baker" <G.J.Baker@dl.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 18:15:15 -0500 (EST)
Organization: Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, U.K.
Reply-To: G.J.Baker@dl.ac.uk
Xref: grapevine.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:11067
Does anyone know if there is any way to represent an unsigned 4 byte integer
in mindy/dylan?
I'm doing some mindy wrapper code for the Macintosh Toolbox and need some
way of getting the four byte codes that would be written in a Mac C or
Pascal compiler as 'abcd' into the function call to the toolbox without
mindy converting it to a signed integer.
Using an explicitly created pointer and packing it in manually with:
for (i from 0 below 4)
unsigned-byte-at(my-pointer, offset: i) := as(<integer>, in-string[i]);
end for;
and then accessing the value using unsigned-long-at(my-pointer) does not
seem to work.
Many thanks
Gareth Baker