
Re: info-dylan at ai.mit.edu

Is this why the list is echoing badly at the moment, or is that my news host?
It's great to know the list will have a good new home.

- Rob

"Gregory T. Sullivan" wrote:

> The maintenance of the info-dylan mailing list has been transferred
> from Harlequin to ai.mit.edu.  I apologize in advance for any
> flakiness of the list in the near future.  If you have any suggestions
> on maintaining the list, please send mail to
> owner-info-dylan@ai.mit.edu (or gregs@ai.mit.edu).  All mail to
> info-dylan@harlequin.[com|co.uk] is now simply forwarded to
> info-dylan@ai.mit.edu.  Over time, it would probably be a good idea to
> address posts to the list to info-dylan@ai.mit.edu.  I have not yet
> implemented in any filtering on the news->mail program I hacked up, so
> there may be some junk for a little while.
> Thanks for your cooperation, patience, and interest in Dylan!
> --
> Greg      gregs@ai.mit.edu (617)253-5807
> Sullivan  http://www.ai.mit.edu/~gregs/
