
Re: Functional Developer as a product name

how about "ODE" or Object Development Environment with a little
to Dylan through the poetic sounding name.

Actually, I have always thought Dylan was a pretty cool name for a
and it is a shame you can't use it due to restrictions from Apple's 
trademark. It seems this situation is maybe like zope.org which uses
as the underlying langauge.

A few other names which sound intriguing to me:

devd (DEVelopment Dylan)
d    (kinda like C :)

just some ideas,
James Dominy

Jonathan Bachrach wrote:
> Recently on info-dylan there has been some discussion about the merits of
> the name Functional Developer.  Well, I wanted you all to know that we're
> willing to treat Functional Developer as a provisional name, and are very
> happy to entertain other suggestions from our customers and supporters.  The
> one restriction is that the product name not contain the word Dylan.  We
> look forward to seeing your ideas!
> Jonathan Bachrach
> President, Functional Objects, Inc.
