
Re: Dylan's direction

Re: Dylan's direction
  brucehoult@pobox.com (Bruce Hoult) wrote:

> d2c already works on LinuxPPC.  What do you meed?
> The biggest problem I see at the moment is code bloat."Hello world" is
> nearly two megabytes. This compares poorly with g++ at about half a MB
> and C at a few KB.

I'm looking at using Moltorola's MPC823 or better yet MPC750.  MPC823 is
 based on the old 603PPC, whereas the MPC7XX series is based on the new
G4 with Altivec.  We hope to network these internet style using uCLinux
or LinuxCE in a product similar to uCsimm (http://www.uclinux.org/simm/)
except using fiber channel (w/ fiber optics BTW) and with more PCB room.

We hope to have a several megabytes to work with.



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