Spam [Re: How To Meet Beautiful ...]
"Gregory T. Sullivan" wrote:
> Any other list management suggestions appreciated.
I have been on lists that were self-moderating. This works thusly:
There are two lists, one of actual subscribers, and another of allowed
contributors. Messages to info-dylan are checked against these - if the
From: or Reply-to: address is on neither list, that address is added to
the list of allowed contributors, but the message is =not= sent out to
the subscribers. Instead, the message is forwarded back to the sender,
appended to a polite message something like this:
This is your first time sending to info-dylan.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but please re-send.
If they do indeed re-send, they're now on the contributors list, so the
message goes out to the subscribers.
This approach filters out most spam, because the return addresses are
typically bogus, and just bounce. Also, the first-time message can be
more elaborate, instructing the first-timer on the rules of the road,
pointing to any relevant FAQs or web sites, etc.
I have no suggestions about filtering spam from the newsgroup gateway.
- John Burger