
swig'ing a C-FFI in Dylan

I'm not an expert on any of this, but the thought has occurred to me
that perhaps you could use SWIG to generate the C-FFI declarations in FO

Dylan (formerly known as Harlequin Dylan).

For example,  I've wanted to create a Dylan interface to MAPI.  If you
look at the MAPI header files, you see they are complex--full of C
simulation of C++ vtables and lots and lots of macros.  Its hard enough
to parse through all that stuff with the confusing macros, but then to
create the Dylan declarations necessary to map to them.  Yuck!! I gave

So I wondered if, given someone sufficiently expert in SWIG, if you
could create a customized SWIG which parses through the MAPI headers and

a MAPI SWIG interface file and outputs the Dylan foreign function
interfaces.  I think it would be a big job to get a sufficiently
powerful SWIG interface created, but once created it would work for
anything.   Is this possible?, practical?

I recall that the enterprise version of Harlequin Dylan had an interface

generator built-in.  I wish I had that.

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