
Re: <text-field>, size, GDI context...

In article <wkbt7shjzj.fsf@double.co.nz>, Chris Double
<chris@double.co.nz> wrote:

> Note to Functional Objects, is there any consideration to changing some
> of these protocols for the win32-* classes to be open? Is there much
> of a performance/size impact?

I would have thought that constructing GUIs is the one place where it is
unassailable that added flexibility is well worth a little dispatch
overhead.  GUIs are at the same time so common, so fluid in their
specifications, such a pain to set up, and so performance non-critical
that they were one of the first big success stories of OO languages back
in the days when a 1 MIPS CPU was state of the art.

-- Bruce

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