
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

In article <3=FgON2rGsr4vCvcllXLMw5PyjGi@4ax.com>, Jason Trenouth <jason@harlequin.com> writes:

First, I don't want to start a languages war ...

> On 22 Dec 1999 15:19:06 GMT, gransart@lifl.fr (Christophe.Gransart) wrote:
> > CORBA Scripting Language RFP:
> > http://www.omg.org/techprocess/meetings/schedule/CORBA_Scripting_Language_RFP.html
> Ah yes, perhaps you could explain why a special CORBA scripting standard is
> necessary at all? 

The goal of this RFP was to standardize ways to use scripting language with CORBA;
whatever the language you are using.

> Scripting languages are programming languages aren't they? And
> there's already a process for mapping programming languages to CORBA.

Two scripting languages were adopted because there were not other proposals.

In article <wkr9gecxtl.fsf@double.co.nz>, Chris Double <chris@double.co.nz> writes:
> Jason Trenouth <jason@harlequin.com> writes:
> I have to agree. Especially after reading your article, what
> advantages does a special CORBA scripting language provide? With
> languages like Common Lisp and Dylan, where you can program in an
> interactive manner, what does a scripting language buy you?

IDLscript is a language specifically designed to be used with CORBA.
The type system of IDLscript is the OMG IDL type system.

When you want to use another language (like Dylan or another else), this language has 
already its own type system and sometimes the seamless integration with OMG IDL
type system is not easy to do.

I think that we have the same goal (scripting CORBA objects in an interactive manner) but with different approaches; that's all!

