
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

On 23 Dec 1999 11:39:51 +0100, fp@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de (Frank Pilhofer)

> In article <zttgOD=0l=XM85IRzhMCr4EWEBLo@4ax.com>, jason@fun-o.com wrote:
> >
> > I've written a piece on the advantages of combining interactive languages and
> > CORBA. See what you think.
> >
>  Nice article, but I fail to find a general discussion about interactive
> languages and CORBA. It seems pretty Dylan-centric and fails to mention
> all the nice existing interfaces with other interactive languages such
> as Tcl, Python, Perl etc.
>  This is not meant as criticism, but rather a suggestion for more accu-
> rate `advertising' of your article.

One of the points of the article was that you don't need specialized little
scripting languages to interact with CORBA since you can do it with a
fully-fledged programming language which you can also use to build your whole


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