
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

On 23 Dec 1999 14:09:53 GMT, gransart@lifl.fr (Christophe.Gransart) wrote:

> In article <HgZiOOyXU4eBhH=I41R+c9sFrKnW@4ax.com>, Jason Trenouth <jason@harlequin.com> writes:
> > > > > 
> > 
> > I think you are missing my point. Why was there a special scripting RFP in the
> > first place?
> > 
> This RFP started in 1997, at the same time as the CORBA Components RFP.
> The goal of the scripting RFP was to have a solution to script CORBA Components ;
> to act as a glue between components.

This is a sort of administrative answer as to why there is a special scripting
RFP. I was looking for a technical answer.

> > > I think that we have the same goal (scripting CORBA objects in an interactive
> > > manner) but with different approaches; that's all!
> > 
> > Not really. I'm suggesting that you don't need specialized little scripting
> > languages to interact with CORBA since you can do it with full-fledged languages
> > that you can also use to build your whole system.
> The OMG is an open place, you can write a proposal to use Dylan with CORBA.

I have, but it takes time, money, and political will, in addition to technical
merit, to create standards. But that is beside the point, which is: why did
IDLScript itself need a new kind of specification process? Why isn't it simply
another language binding?


Follow-Ups: References: