
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

Jason Trenouth wrote in message ...
>Sure, but we want to know what the difference is between that and a
>language adopted by the scripting RFP.

This has grown most tiresome. Jason, no offense, but it appears that
you're looking for a fight, but nobody here wants to give you one.
Michi has answered the question regarding the RFP, to the best of his
knowledge. Why keep asking the same question over and over if it's
obvious that you're not going to get the answer you're looking for?

According to OMG rules, anybody can draft an RFP. Somebody decided to
draft an RFP for a new CORBA-specific scripting language. I'm
reasonably sure they had what they thought were good reasons, but I'm
not totally sure because I wasn't involved. Michi has already stated
that there was discussion regarding your particular pet peeve during
the overall RFP discussion. If you're really interested, why don't you
go to the OMG web site, find the RFP in question and find the minutes
of the meeting where it was discussed, and read them for yourself?

Scripting in CORBA is new to many of the old OMG hands who think only
of Java and C++. If it takes an RFP for a CORBA-specific scripting
language to break the ice and get scripting languages on the map,
what's wrong with that? I believe the Python mapping was around for
quite awhile before this RFP, and yet thanks to that RFP, we now have
an official Python mapping. This is goodness. If someone now comes in
with an RFC (not RFP) for the Perl mapping that's been around for
years, and the mapping complete, I would expect it to be adopted too.
If you want to write an RFC for Dylan, please do!

Sheesh, let's stop beating the freakin' dead horse and move on to some
worthwhile discussion.


Steve Vinoski                         vinoski at iona.com
Chief Architect                            1-800-ORBIX-4U
IONA Technologies, Inc.             Waltham, MA USA 02451
200 West St.          http://www.iona.com/hyplan/vinoski/
Copyright 1999 Stephen B. Vinoski. All Rights Reserved.

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