
Re: GD: x86-linux-gcc/.libs/xxx.so not found

Michael Schuerig <schuerig@acm.org> wrote:
> [The Gwydion list doesn't seem to accept my message right now, thus I'm
> trying here.]
> I've successfully compiled gd 2.3.2a (using 2.2) on my Linux box, but
> after installing it seems to be having problems with shared libs. When I
> try to compile the trivial program generated by make-dylan-app I get a
> bunch of warnings looking like
> /usr/local/lib/dylan/2.3.2/x86-linux-gcc/.libs/xxx.so not found
> when make -f cc-hello-files.mak runs.
> Judging from recent messages this seems somehow to be related to
> libtool; unfortunately I understand too little of this stuff to come up
> with a cure myself. Any ideas what I need to do?

I had a related problem when I built 2.3.2a (though I used 2.3.2 to
build it).  The problem in my case was that the libtool script wasn't
on my path; the build process had created the libtool script but
hadn't updated the path to point to it.

It doesn't sound like this is an identical problem though -- I got an
error that said "make[1]: libtool: Command not found" and this problem
went away when I added the appropriate directory to my path. But it
does make me wonder if perhaps you have a different version of libtool
from some other install that's being called instead of the GD version.


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