
Re: [FD] [BUG] nested for functions weird?

It took me a while to notice this, but (at least in beta 2) there's a
menu item to refresh the display, which fixes it all up whenever the
editor display gets out of synch with file contents.

dauclair@hotmail.com wrote:
> p.s. I'm working on FD2.0 beta 3.  Some other annoyances:  when I
> double-click on a .hdp icon, FD says "Cannot find the file 'E:
> \dylan\functional\projects\game\game.hdp' (or one of its components).
> Make sure the path and the file name are correct and that all required
> libraries are available."  but then loads the project fine.  The
> Editing window sometimes hides large blocks of text, and to fix it I
> need to highlight the area to make the text visible.
