
Re: Issues with GD

Nolan Darilek <nolan@ethereal.dhis.org> writes:

> One of my current frustrations is that I cannot use my favorite C
> libraries in Dylan,

You can use the C libraries, it just takes a bit more manual work to
hand-code the melange interfaces.

> I'm wondering how writing a SWIG module might boost Dylan's
> popularity?

It's been mentioned before but no one has actually done any thing
about it. Even when Pidgin is done I think it is intended to use the
C-FFI interface so that would have to be completed for GD as well.

> Also, I noticed that d2c seems to use libtool in its
> compilation. Why is this done?

Libtool support might be used as a standard interface to make creation
of shared libraries easier across the different platforms.

> Is this the same on windows with FD? (With a different compiler
> command, of course.) 

With FD I haven't needed to use anything like make. As libraries
define what other libraries they use it all the dependancies get
worked out by the compiler.
