[OFF] HTML template languages
To: info-dylan@ai.mit.edu
Subject: [OFF] HTML template languages
From: Scott Ribe <sribe@miqs.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:30:02 -0500 (EST)
Xref: traf.lcs.mit.edu comp.lang.dylan:11700
So what do others think?
I just made a crack about the ugliness of "JavaScript and similar
where HTML contains a tag that contains a script that "prints" HTML out
as a side effect" as part of a longer rant. I'm not fond of any form of
"program" that "prints" out HTML, whether Perl or Python or Tcl. And I
consider nesting that within HTML itself horrible.
Here's a real-life example of my preferred approach:
<TR><TH COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER>Pagers: <!--Count([Pagers])-->
<!--ForEach([Pagers])--><TR VALIGN=TOP>
<A HREF="editmsg.4ds?[Pagers]Num=<!--[Pagers]Num-->">
A couple of notes:
I put my tags in HTML comments because I was a newbie to this and was
trying to come up with the form that would be least objectionable to
HTML verifiers and WYSIWYG editors. This was a complete failure and I've
since figured out that I shouldn't have even tried.
The [table]column syntax rather than the more common table.column just
mirrors the underlying database/4GL syntax. What follows the ; are
formatting options.
One product whose approach I actually like is at http://www.heitml.com/.
In essence, what I envision is rather like HeiTML but with Dylan syntax
for the language and with templates preprocessed and compiled per Bruce
Hoult's comments.