
Re: Persistence?

> From: hs@inferno.nirvananet (Hartmann Schaffer)
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.dylan
> Date: 28 Mar 2000 17:55:22 -0500
> Subject: Re: Persistence?
> how many dylan implementations are there?

There are two under active development:

Functional Developer    http://www.functionalobjects.com/

Gwydion Dylan           http://www.gwydiondylan.org/

There are a few older implementations hiding out on FTP servers, even
(shudder) some prefix syntax versions, but they aren't remotely complete or

> is the drm an official standard?

It's not approved by any political "standards bodies", but it was written by
the creator of the language during the original development project, so it's
Official in the sense that there's no higher authority. :-)

> if there are sufficient important applications and not too
> many implementations it might be wothwhile changing the standard

Some additions are for convenience or to work around compiler issues
(especially in GD :-) ), so additions need careful consideration if Dylan
isn't to go the way of Java and C++ in terms of rapid syntax obfuscation.
IMHO, in addition to Gwydion and Functional Objects agreeing on additions
they should have a simple public review and be run by Andrew Shalit...
There used to be a mailing list and a group for additions/clarifications to
the langauge. I don't know if it's still active, but some of the FD and GD
extentions should definitely get approval.

- Rob.
