
Re: C++ integration, again.

    `Thanks again Chris:

    I looked at the Dx-creator but at the time it did not contain any of the
features that I needed, mainly 3D. This may have changed, so I will look
again. A few of the game engines I am interested in using are the following
in order of importance:

http://www.wildtangent.com/  they have the Game driver with
Java/Javascript/VB/ActiveX/C++ support coming out soon. This may be easy to
use with Dylan. This will be a full featured development kit that allows the
user to dial up a web page and get something similar to Unreal in visual
quality. They have also secured 17 million in funding to continue with it,
its free for small devs like myself (you only pay if your sales/hits exceed
a large number) and I would love to use Dylan as my language of choice.
Rapid prototyping in Dylan as a scripting language with the ability to
compile to optimized executables for web release, or even from a web page ??

http://www.light-cube.com/ To be released SDK/Game engine, have not been
able to evaluate it yet.

http://www.paralelo.com.br/produtos/fly3d/fly3d.htm  A C++ Engine/API  like
Quake 3.

http://www.jet3d.com/  Jet3D DX/Glide open source C++/C 3D/BSP/Portal/Unreal
type engine that was the precursor to the wild Tangent Game driver above.
Editor would be fused with Dylan/DEUCE  so that scripting and dynamic
application development could be done for level/Engine design, features
added easily, elimination of build/compile change cycles.

http://www.viskit.com/index.html A C++ OpenGL/DX API for scene management.

http://www.twilight3d.com/  Hi Speed C++/C API for rendering.

http://www.kickengine.co.uk/index2.html Just released C++ code for an OpenGL
based engine.

http://www.worldfoundry.org/  WorldFoundry Game Kit, rleased as open source
with 170K lines of code to use as a base for other developers.

Several others that are C/C++ based.

Ideally a multipurpose game engine using that was wrapped by DEUCE/Dylan for
rapid prototyping and flexibility would be best, if I had to pick one the
WildTangent Game driver would be it.



Follow-Ups: References: