Need Help with Macros
I'm trying to create a "defininition macro" that creates getter/setter
methods for a class. In my new class, I'm keeping track of "attributes" by
name so that I can create a hierarchical name service and access objects and
their attributes/slots by a text name.
I've create a definition macro that, given the name of the attribute and a
class name, creates getter and setter methods for the class - here's where
the trouble comes in. The macro expands just fine (at least to my tired
eyes) with FD's macroexpand facility in their text editor (a *very* cool
feature), but when I try to compile, I get errors on every invocation of the
Here's a cut-up version of the code - at the bottom of the code is the macro
call, a sample expansion of the macro, and the error message. Any clues as
to what I'm doing wrong ?
// ====================================================
// <hns-node>
// - a hierarchical namespace node
// - allows access to values by name
// (i.e. "alpha.beta.theta"
// where "alpha.beta" is an attributed object,
// and "theta" is the name of a named attribute value )
// ====================================================
define class <hns-node> (<object>)
slot name :: <byte-string>,
init-keyword: name:;
slot value :: <object>,
init-keyword: value:;
slot attributes :: <string-table> // here are the "named"
= make(<string-table>);
slot parent :: false-or(<hns-node>) = #f,
init-keyword: parent:;
virtual slot children? :: <boolean>;
virtual slot children :: <vector>;
end class;
// ====================================================
// <hns-node>
// ====================================================
// a macro to help define getter/setter methods for
// attributed values.
// ====================================================
define macro attribute-definer
{ define attribute ?identifier:name (?type:name) } =>
define inline method ?identifier (a :: ?type)
a.attributes["\"" ## ?identifier ## "\""];
end method;
define inline method ?identifier ## "-setter" (v :: <object>, a ::
a.attributes["\"" ## ?identifier ## "\""] := v;
end method;
end macro;
// ====================================================
// <siso-simulator>
// ====================================================
define class <siso-simulator> (<hns-node>)
// these virtual slots will have a getter/setter defined by the
// "define attribute" macro used later
virtual slot input-tag; // name of the input value for
this siso
virtual slot pv; // process value
virtual slot k; // process gain
virtual slot t1; // process response (in
virtual slot td; // process delay (in minutes)
virtual slot bias; // bias
end class;
// initialize
define method initialize (a :: <siso-simulator>, #keys)
a.value := a;
a.attributes["input-tag"] := make(<hns-node>, name: "input-tag", value:
"", parent: a);
a.attributes["pv"] := make(<hns-node>, name: "pv", value: 0.0,
parent: a);
a.attributes["k"] := make(<hns-node>, name: "k", value: 1.0,
parent: a);
a.attributes["t1"] := make(<hns-node>, name: "t1", value: 0.0,
parent: a);
a.attributes["td"] := make(<hns-node>, name: "td", value: 0.0,
parent: a);
a.attributes["bias"] := make(<hns-node>, name: "bias", value: 0.0,
parent: a);
end method;
// ====================================================
// <siso-simulator>
// ====================================================
// attribute getter/setters
// ====================================================
define attribute input-tag (<siso-simulator>); // here's my
attempt to use the macro (line #118)
this is what the macro expands to ...
define inline method input-tag (a :: <siso-simulator>)
a.attributes ["input-tag"];
end method;
define inline method input-tag-setter (v :: <object>,
a :: <siso-simulator>)
a.attributes ["input-tag"] := v;
end method;
This the is error I get from FD during compile ...
Serious warning at simulation:118:
Reference to undefined binding {"input-tag" in Simulation}.
simulation:117: ---------
simulation:118: define attribute input-tag (<siso-simulator>);
simulation:119: ---------
Sorry for the long post, but I couldn't figure out how to describe the
probelm without lots of context.
Ron Franke-Polz