
Re: Harlequin 1.2 still available?

Nolan Darilek <nolan_d@bigfoot.com> writes:

> So, I'm curious. Is Harlequin Dylan 1.2 still available for free?

The personal edition is still available for download from the
Harlequin ftp site.

> If I download it, what problems will I experience if I attempt to
> distribute compiled binaries with it?

I may be wrong but I don't think the personal edition allowed the
distribution of the compiled binaries for anything but personal use. 

> I think I remember reading that it currently does not work on win2k;
> will I be losing any additional functionality if I don't purchase FD
> and instead use Harlequin?

Yes, you will be losing additional functionality. You will not have
COM support, socket support, database support and I don't think it
allowed c-ffi usage for anything except the win32 library files that
shipped with the compiler. There are some new DUIM gadgets in FD that
are not in HD and there are some DUIM bugs that appear in practice in
HD that are fixed in FD. Incremental compilation support and macro
expansion is also supported in FD 2.0 but not HD 1.2.

All the above is from memory so I may be wrong about the distribution
conditions, functionality available, etc. What about downloading the
30 day trial of FD and using that instead?

