
Re: Students/techniques

And Gabor Greif writes:
 - The only area where C++ really shines are templates, since the template
 - selection rules contain type based lookup and incorporate a prolog-like
 - sublanguage that can be used for metaprogramming.

A month or so of debugging code that uses these techniques will 
cure you of any admiration.  They are evil.

This use of C++ templates is just another pseudo-macro system, 
although it is wrapped in fair syntactic sugar for its intended 
use.  I admit that resolving based of known, compile-time types
is interesting, but I prefer that to be hidden in a compiler for
a dynamically typed language...

I know more of Scheme macros than of Dylan macros, so this may
be trivial:  Can the Dylan macro system access any type 
information?  In other words, can a macro expand different ways 
depending on how much type information is known during compilation?

