
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

In article <kpamlscdjl89ihfhsdk3d4rinoa1hji78j@4ax.com>, Jason Trenouth 
<jason@harlequin.com> wrote:

> Well, Dylan really isn't C-ish syntax. No braces (except in macro 
> definitions), no casting, postfix type declarations, and very
> different (Lisp/Scheme-like) identifier conventions. Unfortunately,
> from the point of view of promulgating the language, Dylan's syntax
> looks very alien to many C programmers.

I suspect that the guys tasked with coming up with the infix syntax were 
concerned that if it looked *too* C-like then people would expect it to 
have C semantics.

This was, of course, in the days before Java, Perl, and C#.

-- Bruce
