
Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)

in article Osz75.876$XU2.440590@news.uswest.net, Frank A. Adrian at
fadrian@uswest.net wrote on 7/1/00 7:22 PM:

> Yes, but it makes about as much sense as citing Pinker's and Chomsky's works
> as a defense of saying that syntactic choices don't matter when applied to
> artificial languages.
At least it is not destructive, it is an attempt at being constructive. And
it is certainly not offensive.

>Besides, USENET is often about being "singularly
> offensive and unproductive" to win an argument (or haven't you been around
> this neck of the woods for long? :-).
"Being about"? How does this ever win an argument? It doesn't! Just because
people do it does not mean it is a good thing, or something to be adopted.
Why be out to _winning_ an argument anyway? Tell your truth. I.e., the truth
as you see it. If you are on the right track you will "win" anyway. Even if
(some) others won't acknowledge that.

Being respectful to others, even when you think they are in the wrong or
disrespectful themselves, will much likely get you a lot further.

If you find yourself in disagreement build your "enemy" a Golden Bridge over
which to retreat. He (she) is much more likely to use it.


What you have inside you expresses itself through both your
choice of words and the level of energy you assign to them.
The more healed, whole and connected you feel inside,
the more healing your words will be.

--Rita Goswami

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