Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)
shows (amongst other things) Erik's backup email address as being:
> From: Erik Naggum <erik@naggum.net>
> Subject: Re: C# is not Dylan (was: Re: C# : The new language from M$)
> Is it common and accepted practice among Dylan users to engage in
> back-stabbing by removing the newsgroups people read? Furrfu!
Removing the Lisp newsgroup was just a courtesy to your long suffering
audience there. The semantic drift neccessary to construe this as
backstabbing is PhD material.
> However, I won't rat on the Dylan users who informed me about this.
> Who _knows_ that you guys might do to your own...
Since you ask, we usually beat traitors with long wooden clubs whilst
force-feeding them olive oil. I don't think being able to read To: lines
quite qualifies, though.
- Rob.